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Alabama Deer Hunting
The Horn Swamp is located in Wilcox County, Alabama. In the "Black Belt" section of the state, the rural, wooded countryside boasts an abundance of wildlife. This site contains information about the Swamp's vast wildlife population and the adventures of those that frequent this remote section of the great outdoors.
The Horn Swamp is not a commercial hunting operation nor is this site intended to advertise any hunts in the Horn Swamp. It is, however, meant to educate and entertain our growing audience of visitors. Thanks for stopping by. We hope you will find something of interest here and we hope you will come back often!
Horn Swamp OnlineCelebrating our hunting heritage every day of the year!
All news updates have moved to www.hornswamp.blogspot.com
Please join us there!Take an online tour of the Horn Swamp!
Join us in protecting the rights of law abiding citizens to own firearms for self-protection and hunting purposes.
Support the NRA and Gun Owners of America. Our freedoms are at stake!
We also support the Alabama Wildlife Federation and the National Wild Turkey Federation!Email us at
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Created in May of 1998 - Updated almost weekly during hunting season
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